Zotrim’s Step-by-Step Challenges for lasting weight loss!
Get walking
Research has shown that 9 out of 10 successful dieters use healthy eating and exercise simultaneously to lose and maintain their weight loss. Zotrim is uniquely formulated with plant extracts to help you with both of these - to eat less and feel more energetic.
The Department of Health advises that adults should do at least 30 minutes physical activity five or more days a week to achieve and maintain weight loss.
Even if you’re not the sporty type, you can focus on gentle activities such as walking and still feel real benefits:
* Aim to walk briskly - moderate activity such as this helps you to achieve your goal.
* If you have been physically inactive for a long while start walking gently for ten minutes at a time, increasing to 30 minutes at a good pace.
* Dress for the occasion - proper shoes (ideally well-fitting trainers) and comfortable clothes are a must.
* Walking after eating a meal can help boost hormones that suppress appetite, adding to the major benefits you already gain from Zotrim.
* Build walking into your daily routine e.g. walk the children to school, get off the bus a stop earlier, use stairs rather than lifts, walk up escalators and park your car in the far corner of the car park.
* Go shopping! On average, women walk 2 miles on a serious shopping trip at a shopping centre.
* Get together with like-minded friends. Studies have shown you cover more distance in a given time if you walk in a group. Why not walk with work colleagues at lunchtime?
* If it’s cold and wet outside why not step up and down the stairs or even walk on the spot.
Being more active when on Zotrim will help you shed those pounds more quickly!
What if you've an illness and u can't exercise