To other food supplements:
There are many food supplement weight loss, but only Zotrim provides scientific evidence via placebo-controlled studies. In a recent review on the efficacy of active ingredients for over the counter, weight management products it was concluded:
‘the results showed little evidence for most weight loss claims, with the exception of a formulation containing Yerbe Mate, Guarana and Damiana’ (all contained in Zotrim).
To diet programmes:
The average rate of weight loss (kg per week) on Zotrim compares very favourably with that reported in a randomised trial from various weight loss programmes tested for eight weeks:
- Zotrim (45 day placebo control) 0.79kg (1.75 lb)
- Slim Fast 0.46kg (1.02 lb)
- Weight Watchers 0.59kg (1.30 lb)
- Atkins diet 0.65kg (1.43 lb)
Remember: Zotrim may be used with diet programmes to increase success.
Supplement your weight loss with Zotrim
To prescription drugs:
A recent review reported the limited efficacy of prescription drugs for weight loss. Analysing trials of over one year duration, the average weight losses achieved over placebo were:
- Xenical 2.9 kg
- Sibutramine 4.2 kg
- Rimonabant 4.7 kg
By comparison, Zotrim achieved a weight loss of 4.7 kg over placebo in 45 days! Additionally, most of the drug trials also included the need for calorie controlled diets whereas Zotrim does not!
Slim-Fizz is a special appetite suppressant the groundbreaking fibre Glucomannan, which is an organic soluble fibre extracted from high quality fresh Konjac.